🏷️About the Claim Phase

During the Claim Phase, coders and artists can:

  • Connect their GitHub, GitLab or DeviantArt account by visiting https://fair-data.ai/

  • Select the work they want to include in our first AI training datasets

  • Claim the rights to their data, securing their place in our upcoming marketplace

Once the platform launches, creators who claimed their data will earn $FAIR tokens based on their contributions, and earn revenue when companies purchase their data for AI training.

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding the Claim Phase:

You state that you do not store data at this phase. Then what do you store?

During the claim phase, we only store your email, ID references to your code/art contributions and some additional metadata, such as the size of your contributions, that allows us to measure creator’s eligible rewards size and rewards boost.

In the context of Fair AI Data, what do you refer to as a "dataset"?

A "dataset" refers to a collection of data that has been systematically organized for a specific purpose. For example, when we talk about you contributing your data as part of an art dataset, we mean that your creative works, like drawings or digital art, are gathered together with similar items. This collection is then used to train AI models, helping them to learn and understand different artistic styles and concepts.

What happens if I claim with my GitHub/GitLab account?

When you claim with your GitHub or GitLab account, we fetch data such as the list of your repositories, the programming language used, total lines of code and size in kilobytes, as well as the type of licensing for each repository. We then present that list to you, allowing you to select what to opt-in. This information helps us measure the data you want to claim so we can prepare for the Redeem phase.

What happens if I claim with my DeviantArt account?

When you claim with your DeviantArt account, we retrieve information about your galleries, including the number of items in each gallery and their licensing terms. We then present that list to you, allowing you to select what to opt-in. This information helps us measure the data you want to claim so we can prepare for the Redeem phase.

I have already claimed my data once. Can I claim more data?

You will be able to modify your contribution when the platform is launched. In this initial claim phase, you are essentially securing your spot in our first data pools and gaining an additional reward boost as an early contributor, that will be applied to your rewards during the Redeem phase.

Can I un-claim my data?

Of course. By sending an email to support@fair-data.ai you can request deletion of all your stored data and release your contributor spot from our first datasets.

I no longer want to be a supporter of this project. How can I delete my account?

You can delete your account by sending an email to support@fair-data.ai and requesting an account deletion.

What do I need to do to contribute during the claim phase?

If you have a Github or DeviantArt account with work to contribute, you can visit our page and go through the claim process. You will be asked to authenticate so we can fetch your artifacts, select what you want to contribute, and claim your spot. There’s nothing else you need to do besides that. Once the platform goes live we’ll invite you to redeem your rewards

During the claim process you mentioned that “only eligible contributions will be accepted”. Is there an approval process?

While anyone can opt-in their work , there is an approval process that will take place before we create the actual datasets. We will make sure that claimed data is validated and deduplicated with the goal of properly accrediting the actual owners, and ensure fair rewards among creators.

How can I redeem my rewards when the platform goes live?

We will reach out in your verified email with an invitation to redeem your $FAIR tokens when the platform goes live. The process will be similar to claiming, but you will be asked to provide explicit consent for actual storage of your data, which will be deduplicated and validated first. After validating your data, you will receive your rewards in a web3 wallet, expressing your immutable stake in the dataset’s revenue.

After the platform is released, how can I buy training data for my AI model?

We will provide a dedicated marketplace app to browse and purchase AI training datasets, where you’ll be able to choose the pricing/licensing plan that works best for your use case. We will share more info on this soon with the release of our whitepaper.

How does claiming a repository work? Do you take into account the whole repository or only my contributions?

When you connect your GitHub account, we initially fetch and consider all public repositories you own, have access to, or have contributed to. The assessment focuses on the total size of the repository in bytes. However, during the Redeem phase, eligibility to redeem rewards will be determined based on ACTUAL ownership or individual contributions within a repository. This validation step ensures that we accurately give credits where credits are due, aligning with our commitment to transparency and fairness.

How does claiming images work?

When you connect your DeviantArt account, we fetch all your galleries. However, similarly to code, eligibility to redeem rewards will be determined based on ACTUAL ownership of the art, which we’ll make sure to validate.

Last updated